Education and Training Series #83: MOOK: The Knowledge Management Method Applied to a GEN IV Project. The Continuation of a Successful Story.

Date/Hours: 02 November 2023
Location: Online - Free webcast

Part of a webinar series hosted by the GIF Education and Training Working Group since 2016.

Who should attend?
Policymakers, industry professionals, regulators, researchers, students, the general public. 

Education & Training
Updated on 11/10/2024

About the "GIF Education and Training" Webinars

These webinars, organised by the GIF Education and Training Working Group are streamed live monthly. The recordings and slide decks are accessible after the webinar on this website. These webinars cover a very broad range of technical and policy related topics. At the end of 2023 they have been viewed by more than 15000 people (approximately half of the views during the live streams and the other half views being of the archives on the public GIF website). In total, the GIF webinars have reached Generation IV enthusiasts, scientists, and engineers in more than 80 countries.

These webinars are organised and hosted by the GIF Education and Training Working Group (ETWG). 

About this Webinar

The nuclear renaissance we are all living worldwide will need a significant increase of manpower and young generation.
• But how can we guarantee that this new generation will gain the most and the best from the older and from the huge experience already gained from GEN IV reactors?
• How can we use methods being attractive, innovative, efficient and time saving?
• How can we apply these methods of Knowledge Management to all kinds of persons (experts, technicians, scientists, head of project) and with all kinds of systems?
This webinar will present the innovative Knowledge Management methods that were developed and successfully experienced on the ASTRID project: a GEN IV Sodium Fast Reactor project developed from 2009 to 2018 at CEA. In particular, the method and its specific tool of Knowledge Management called MOOK will be presented, and its feedback shared with you.

Recording of the Webinar

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Presentation made during the webinar

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Meet the presenter

Mr. Gilles Rodriguez is a senior expert engineer at the CEA/CADARACHE. He has been a project manager in GEN IV collaborations and international affairs since January 2022. He graduated from the University of Lyon, France in 1990 (Chemical Engineering) and earned a Master of Science in Process engineering in 1991 (Toulouse). He joined the CEA/CADARACHE in 1991 in support of Phénix and SUPERPHENIX operation (Fuel and Component Handling) & RAPSODIE decommissioning. He moved in 2004 to Japan to work on the Monju reactor as the CEA representative. From 2005 to 2008 he worked on the coupling of Gen IV High Temperature Reactor with Hydrogen Production Process. From 2008 to 2013, he was Project Leader of sodium technology and components. From 2013 to 2019, he joined the CEA project on Sodium Fast Reactor: ASTRID (Advanced Sodium Technological Reactor for Industrial Demonstration), first as responsible of the Nuclear Island, then as Deputy head of the ASTRID project team (2016-2019). He served as Technical Director of the Generation IV International Forum from May 2019 until December 2021.During his career, Mr. Rodriguez has contributed to over 120 scientific publications dedicated to GEN IV systems; hydrogen production; coolant performances and technco-economy. Since 2018 he has also been involved in Knowledge Capitalization innovative methods, winning in 2021 two awards for innovative Knowledge Management technique development and promotion.