GIF Activities

Since its inception in 2001 the Generation IV has been coordinating and implementing a broad range of activities aimed at fostering international cooperation to advance the development and deployment of Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems. The core of GIF activities is carried out by its System Steering Committees and its Working Groups and Task Forces. 

The main focus of GIF was defined in the GIF Charter:

"Taking into account the expected increase in energy demand worldwide and the growing awareness about global warming, climate change issues and sustainable development, nuclear energy will be needed to meet future global energy demand. However, opportunities for building new nuclear energy systems will depend on their attractiveness and suitability in different countries and situations. Ongoing research and development (R&D) in the areas of economics, safety, waste and proliferation resistance is necessary in order to achieve nuclear energy’s potential worldwide."

The activities of GIF are carried out by System Steering Committees and Cross-cutting Working Groups and Task Forces.

GIF System Steering Committees

To make progress in this direction GIF carries Gen-IV systems specific R&D efforts through its six System Steering Committees that set out to implement their System Arrangement (and Memoranda of Understanding for provisional ones). Each SSC can coordinate several projects. Those projects are governed by project agreements that set out a detailed plan for research and development activities in the area covered by the project and details the schedule, funding and deliverables expected to achieve this.
To learn more about the projects carried out by each GIF SSC visit their individual pages. 

There are four SSCs and two provisional SSCs in GIF:

GIF Working Groups and Task Forces

In addition to technology specific System Steering Committees GIF carries out work on cross-cutting topics relevant to all the Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems. GIF does so through its Working Groups and ad-hoc Task Forces. To learn more about these activities visit each WG and TF individual page. 

Currently GIF has five WG and one TF:

Task forces that were closed after having fulfilled their mandate: