Non-Electric Application of Nuclear Heat Task Force

The GIF "Task Force on Non-Electric Applications of Nuclear Heat" (NEANH TF) was formed in 2021 to focus on the potential of Gen IV nuclear reactors to support non-electric applications, including but not limited to providing thermal energy alternatives to fossil fuels and complementary services to the electric grid.

In particular, the NEANH TF aims to improve the general level of knowledge on the utilization of nuclear-generated heat for non-electric applications or hybrid energy systems, among both GIF members and the general public. The TF provides an expert view of relevant solutions and shares expertise beyond the nuclear field to highlight the role of nuclear energy systems as a key contributor to a clean energy future. The NEANH is currently working to support technical and economic analysis of these coupled systems (nuclear heat source – end user of heat) using available information to understand the potential for Gen IV systems to support nuclear industrial heat demands and other non-grid applications.

Topics Covered by the GIF NEANHTF

Non-electric applications of nuclear heat include the ensemble of solutions and processes that make optimal use of the energy produced by a nuclear fission reactor – all or part of the heat it produces over the extent of operational temperature and power levels – to provide alternatives to the use of fossil fuels as a source of thermal energy, and energy services that are complementary to the electric grid. This approach is designed to optimise energy utilization efficiency, system economics, and decarbonisation.

There is historic precedent for the use of nuclear technologies for non-electric applications, including 43 reactors that have been used for district heating totalling approximately 500 reactor years of experience, 17 reactors that have been used for desalination totalling approximately 250 reactor years of experience, and 7 reactors that have been used for industrial process heat. 

While past experience using nuclear energy for non-electric applications mostly utilised water-cooled reactors, there is an opportunity to expand the role of nuclear energy in supporting non-grid applications with the emerging development of Generation IV reactor technologies, including for chemicals production, mining applications, reducing emissions in the oil and gas sector, and for the production of low carbon intensity hydrogen for a range of applications. 

Motivations for establishing the NEANH, history and membership

Reasons for establishing the NEANH TF

Beginning in November 2020, GIF facilitated an open exchange of expert views on the position of Gen-IV systems regarding applications of nuclear fission-generated heat beyond the electric grid. These activities suggested a path forward for GIF to leverage work being conducted internationally and identify the benefits that Gen-IV reactor systems could bring to the non-electric energy sector in the context of future energy markets.

At the 51st GIF Policy Group (PG) meeting held on 20-21 May 2021, the GIF Policy Group members decided to establish a new Task Force (TF) on Non-Electric Applications of Nuclear Heat (NEANH TF), which was officially launched in October 2021.

Leadership and Membership

The current chair of the NEANH TF is Dr. Shannon Bragg-Sitton of Idaho National Laboratory in the United States. Technical Secretary services are provided by Mr. Brent Wilhelm of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency. 

The members of the NEANH Task Force include all active members of the GIF, with active engagement from Canada, China, Euratom, France, Japan, Korea, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the USA. 

The NEANH Task Force also includes Observers from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and from South Africa. 

Partners and related initiatives

The GIF NEANH cooperates with a wide range of groups and initiatives.

  • GIF Bodies and Working Groups:
    • GIF VHTR Hydrogen Production Project Management Board (PMB) 
    • GIF Senior Industry Advisory Panel (SIAP)
    • GIF Economic Modelling Working Group (EMWG)
  • Non GIF Initiatives:
    • Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Small Modular Reactor Industrial Applications Advisory groups (SMIA)
    • NEA Regulatory and Safety WG on New Technologies (WGNT)
    • IAEA non-electric activities through the Nuclear Power Technology Development section 
    • IEA Hydrogen Technology Collaboration Programme Task 44: Hydrogen from Nuclear Energy (HyNE)
    • Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform (SNETP)


Key NEANH TF Results and Deliverables

NEANH TF Position Paper

The Position Paper on Non-Electric Applications of Nuclear-Heat: A Generation IV International Forum Priority was completed in November 2022 by GIF NEANH Task Force members and published to the GIF website here

NEANHTF Workshops

  • In July 2022, a virtual workshop was held to exchange knowledge and align GIF members in advance of engaging the end-use community. The meeting summary is available here.
  • In October 2022, a full-day in-person workshop was held in Toronto, Canada, on 3 October 2022, in conjunction with the GIF Industry Forum. This event was used to connect GIF to the high temperature community outside the nuclear field. The event was well-attended with more than 150 participants including Gen IV reactor developers, energy system modellers, industrial energy users, researchers, and other stakeholders. The meeting summary is available here.
  • In April 2024 the NEANH task force organised a Non-Electric and Hybrid Energy Applications Workshop at the margins of the the 39th Korea Atomic Power (KAP) Annual Conference from April 22-24, 2024, in Busan, Korea. Full information about this event is available here.

NEANHTF Database

The NEANH has completed v1.0 of a NEANH database to act as a common repository of relevant studies, experiments, demonstrations, past commercial systems, or assessments of recent and ongoing activities on NEANH coupled with nuclear energy systems. 

Version 1.0 of the NEANH Database comprises an initial inventory of NEANH activities populated by NEANH members. The NEANH Database is an evolving document that will be maintained at a regular cadence. New versions will be released periodically, which may differ in format, content, and style. Please check the NEANH website for the latest version. In the future, functionality will be added within the website to allow both GIF and non-GIF members to submit additional studies, demonstrations, and deployment cases of non-electric applications of nuclear energy for TF review prior to inclusion within the public database.

  1. The NEANH database includes reference information in the following categories:
  2. Studies: Research studies related to non-electric applications of nuclear heat.
  3. Collaborative Initiatives: Collaborative projects and initiatives in the domain.
  4. Past or Existing Systems: Information on systems that have operated or are currently operating.
  5. Planned Systems: Systems that are in planning or under construction.
  6. Modelling Tools: Tools available for modelling these applications.



Key TF Events

Upcoming Events:

  • TBD

Past Events:

  • Joint GIF-IEA meeting in Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA, from January 22 to 25, 2024, along with members of the IEA Hydrogen from Nuclear Energy (Task 44) and GIF VHTR Hydrogen Production PMB groups. 
  • SIAP Special Session on Non-Electric and Hybrid Energy Applications, which was held at the Canadian Nuclear Association (CNA) conference from February 28 – March 1, 2024 in Ottawa, Canada.
  • Non-Electric and Hybrid Energy Applications Workshop at the 39th Korea Atomic Power (KAP) Annual Conference from April 22-24, 2024, in Busan, Korea.
  • NEANH Workshop at the GIF Industry Forum: The primary objective of this full-day workshop on NEANH was to connect GIF to the high temperature community outside the nuclear field, but also to bring together stakeholders to establish connections between the research community and industry, engaging both nuclear technology developers and energy end users. The event was well-attended with more than 150 participants including Gen IV reactor developers, energy system modellers, industrial energy users, researchers, and other stakeholders.

Previous Initiatives looking into NEANH

NGNP Industrial Alliance (2010) – Formed to develop high-temperature gas reactors (HTGR) and expand its industrial applications. Membership included end-users. 

EUROPAIRS (2009) – Evaluated coupling of HTGRs with industrial processes. This group concluded that 50% of industrial heat demand is below 550⁰C and recommended strong partnerships with nuclear technology developers and end-users. 

ARCHER (2016) – The Advanced high-temperature reactors for cogeneration of heat and electricity R&D project extended European HTR and Very-HTR technologies by incorporating recent advancements. This initiative involved collaboration between European and international partners from Asia, the United States and South Africa.


External events

Past regional events with representation from the NEANH Task Force: 

  • Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Program (SNETP) from 15-17 May 2023 in Gothenburg, Sweden, which featured technical sessions on non-electric applications. 
  • ARPA-E Nuclear Heat Workshop from 30 May to 1 June 2023 in Houston, Texas, USA, which included technical and market focused presentations on nuclear heat integration.
  • IAEA Technical Meeting on Advances in High Temperature Processes for Hydrogen Production with Nuclear Energy from 5-8 September 2023 in Vienna, Austria. 

NEANH TF Leadership and Technical Secretariat




NEANHTF Vice-Chair


GIF Technical Secretary

Active contributors

  • The current chair of the NEANH TF is Dr. Shannon Bragg-Sitton of Idaho National Laboratory, USA.
    • Inaugural chair of the TF and connects engagement with the U.S. DOE Integrated Energy Systems program
  • Ramesh SADHANKAR of Natural Resources Canada / Canada
    • Significant contributions to organizing the first in-person NEANH workshop in Canada
    • Contributing analysis on commercial readiness of H2 from low temperature electrolysis (LTE) systems 
    • Vice Chair of the NEANH TF
    • SNETP engagement 
  • Chan Soo KIM of KAERI/Korea 
    • Primary host for the 2nd NEANH workshop 
  • Aiden PEAKMAN of UK NNL / United Kingdom
    • Initiating discussions with regulators on the topic of NEANH

NEANH TF Database map of NEANH Projects

Interactive map of historic NEANH examples.