51st GIF Experts Group and 57th GIF Policy Group Meetings (EG/PG) - Brussels

Date/Hours: 13-17 May 2024
Location: Brussels, Belgium

These meetings, open only to GIF members, of the GIF Experts Group and Policy Group were hosted by EURATOM in Brussels.

A technical visit of the JRC laboratories in Geel was part of the program of the event.

Updated on 11/10/2024

The Policy Group and the Experts Group, which are the primary governing bodies of GIF, convene biannually. These meetings are crucial for receiving progress updates from each GIF System Steering Committee, Working Group, and Task Force. 

Additionally, they are the meetings where GIF leadership to strategise and make pivotal decisions regarding the future trajectory of GIF's initiatives.

Photos from the Spring 2024 EG/PG Meeting in Brussels

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