PR&PP Evaluation: ESFR Full System Case Study - Proliferation Resistance and Physical Protection WG - 2009

Updated on 11/10/2024

The 2009 - Proliferation Resistance and Physical Protection (PR&PP) Evaluation: ESFR Full System Case Study by the GIF Proliferation Resistance and Physical Protection Working Group (PR&PP WG) examines the robustness of the Example Sodium Fast Reactor (ESFR) against potential proliferation and security threats. The Generation IV International Forum (GIF) recognizes the significance of PR&PP in nuclear energy systems, prompting the development of a comprehensive methodology to evaluate these aspects in detail.

This report documents the application of the GIF PR&PP methodology to the ESFR—a hypothetical nuclear energy system comprising medium-sized, sodium-cooled fast reactors paired with a pyrochemical spent-fuel reprocessing facility and dry fuel storage. The methodology, developed by the PR&PP Working Group, uses a set of metrics to assess the reactor's resistance to proliferation and its physical protection capabilities against a predefined set of threats.

The ESFR was subject to a rigorous two-year case study to test the methodology's effectiveness in real-world scenarios and to refine the system design for enhanced security. The case study focused on evaluating the baseline design of the ESFR and exploring various design variations to understand their impacts on the system's PR&PP profile. The methodology facilitated a detailed examination of threat scenarios ranging from theft of nuclear material by non-state actors to state-driven diversion and misuse of nuclear facilities.

Key findings from the case study emphasize the necessity of integrating PR&PP considerations early in the design process to ensure that nuclear facilities are resilient against a comprehensive range of threats. The case study also highlighted the importance of qualitative analysis in the initial stages of design to identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities.

The report concludes with recommendations for further enhancing the PR&PP evaluation methodology. These include the standardization of evaluation processes to ensure consistent application across different nuclear systems and the use of expert elicitation to validate and refine threat assessments and mitigation strategies.

Overall, the "PR&PP Evaluation: ESFR Full System Case Study" hopes to serve as a valuable resource for future nuclear energy system designers, providing essential insights into the positive impact of integration of proliferation resistance and physical protection in the early stages of design. 

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