Safety Design Criteria for Generation IV Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor System - 2017

Updated on 11/10/2024

The SDC-TF has prepared the SFR safety design guidelines as a set of recommendations on how to meet the SDC and address SFR-specific safety issues. The purpose of the SA SDG is to facilitate the practical application of the SDC to Generation IV SFR design tracks by clarifying technical issues and providing recommendations with a variety of design options. It describes prevention and mitigation of severe accidents, situations that should be practically eliminated (e.g. issues related to the loss of heat removal), and considerations for SFR reactivity characteristics. The SDC-TF distributed the SA SDG to the NEA GSAR (the predecessor of NEA WGSAR) and the IAEA to receive external review. The SDC-TF integrated solutions to IAEA’s 23 comments and WGSAR’s 128 comments into the revised SA SDG report and the revised version was published in 2020.

The SA SDG consists of below 5 Chapters:

  1. “Introduction” that includes Background and Objective, as well as Scope of the SDG.
  2. “Main Characteristics of Gen-IV SFR Systems” that presents the systems and fundamental characteristics of four current Gen-IV SFR designs.
  3. “General Approach” that explains the general definition of Plant conditions. This chapter especially focuses on Design Extension Conditions (DEC) and situations to be practically eliminated.
  4. “Guidelines for Application of SDC” that describes specific approaches for prevention and mitigation of severe accidents, related to reactivity and decay heat removal issues, with design options, postulated events and design limits, as well as testability and demonstrations.
  5. “Considerations for SFR Reactivity Characteristics”.

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