GIF Proliferation Resistance and Physical Protection Working Group

The Proliferation Resistance and Physical Protection Working Group (PRPPWG) was established to develop, implement, and foster the use of an evaluation methodology to assess Generation IV (Gen-IV) nuclear energy systems with respect to the GIF proliferation resistance (PR) and physical protection (PP) goal:

“Generation IV nuclear energy systems will increase the assurance that they are very unattractive and the least desirable route for diversion or theft of weapons-usable materials and provide increased physical protection against acts of terrorism.”

Through its activities, the PRPPWG aims at fostering a “PR&PP by Design” culture among Gen-IV designers and policy makers.  

GIF Proliferation Resistance and Physical Protection Working Group (PR&PP)

The Proliferation Resistance & Physical Protection Working Group (PRPPWG) was established in 2002 to provide a methodology for the assessment of Gen-IV systems against Gen-IV Non-Proliferation and Physical Protection related goals as defined in the Generation IV Technology Roadmap. 

“Generation IV nuclear energy systems will increase the assurance that they are a very unattractive and the least desirable route for diversion or theft of weapons-usable materials and provide increased physical protection against acts of terrorism.” 

The methodology was developed and refined over the years to stay in line with the latest policy and technology evolutions in the areas of PR&PP. It provides designers and policy makers with a technology-neutral framework and a formal comprehensive approach to evaluate, through measures and metrics, the PR and PP characteristics of advanced nuclear systems. As such, the application of the evaluation methodology offers opportunities to improve the PR&PP robustness of system concepts throughout their development and deployment cycle. The methodology is organized to allow evaluations to be performed at the earliest stages of system design and to become iteratively more detailed and more representative as design progresses. The results of the application of the GIF PRPPWG methodology to a Gen IV Nuclear Energy System are intended for three types of users: system designers, program policy makers, and external stakeholders.  

PRPP WG Leadership and Membership

The PRPP WG gathers about 15 to 20 experts in the domains of PR&PP. Since 2002, PRPPWG has long standing members from Canada, China, Euratom, France, Japan, Korea, Russian Federation, South Africa, United Kingdom, United States of America and observers from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Portrait of GIF PRPPWG Co Chair Guido Renda


Co-Chair of the GIF PRPP WG

Dr Renda is the co-chair of the GIF Proliferation Resistance and Physical Protection Working Group. He is one of the representatives of Euratom in GIF.

Portrait of Dr Ben Cipiti GIF PRPPWG Co Chair


Co-Chair of the GIF PRPP WG

Dr Ben CIPITI is the Co-Chair of the GIF Proliferation Resistance and Physical Protection Working Group. He is one of the representatives of the United States of America in GIF. 

Portrait of GIF TS Seoyeong Jeong

Seoyeong JEONG

GIF Technical Secretary

Seoyeong Jeong is an experienced R&D project manager and policy analyst for international collaborations in the nuclear energy field. Her academic background is in political science and economics. She has been involved in GIF’s joint R&D endeavors for proliferation resistance and physical protection, economics modelling, and 3S (Safety, Safeguards and Security) interfaces.

GIF PRPP WG Members at the spring 2024 PRPP WG Meeting in Boulogne, France
GIF PRPP WG Members at the spring 2024 PRPP WG Meeting in OECD NEA premises Boulogne, France

Key PRPP WG results and deliverables

Since its inception the PRPPWG has published several reference documents focused on the evaluation of Generation IV nuclear Systems from the Proliferation Resistance and Physical Protection perspective. 

GIF PRPP Evaluation Methodology & Case Study

The working group released the current version (revision 6) of its Evaluation Methodology for Proliferation Resistance and Physical Protection of Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems for general distribution in 2011 (GIF, 2011a) and translations in Japanese and Korean of the methodology report have been produced for national use.

Framework for the GIF PRPP Evaluation Methodology in a Chart
Framework for the GIF PRPP Evaluation Methodology
Overview of ESFR Safeguards Approach
Overview of ESFR Safeguards Approach

European Sodium Fast Reactor (ESFR) Case Study

The main objective of the case study was to exercise the PR&PP methodology on an illustrative example of Generation IV systems and to show how its results may assist decision makers in comparing design options from PR&PP viewpoints. The study combined a practical approach based upon the data available at an early stage of system design development and a rigorous framework providing robust and dependable results which can be traced, reproduced and explained to policy makers.

The PR&PP WG has put together a "Frequently Asked Questions" section regarding the PR&PP Evaluation Methodology. You can learn more by following the link below. 

Since 2018, the main focus of the PRPPWG has been on updating the white papers on proliferation resistance and physical protection robustness of the six Generation IV systems design concepts. The past decade has seen several new advanced reactor vendors receiving funding from private and public investment and subsequently advanced reactor concepts moving forward in their development (cf. NEA SMR Dashboard) – the PRPPWG white papers provide recommendations to improve the safeguards and security of advanced reactor designs. Those represent a joint effort together with the GIF System Steering Committees (SSCs) and provisional SSCs (pSSCs) of the six Gen IV technologies covered by GIF. 

The first versions of these white papers were produced between 2008 and 2011 (GIF, 2011b). These papers have since been updated according to a revised, common template. The latest white paper updates take into account the changes in the reactor designs with new design tracks added and consideration for the maturation of the designs of the six GIF systems, including enhanced intrinsic PR&PP features. Individual white papers, after endorsement by both the PRPPWG and the responsible SSC/pSSC, are transmitted to the GIF Experts Group (EG) for approval and published as GIF official documents.

In addition to the LFR and SFR white papers published in 2021, the GFR, SCWR, VHTR White Papers published in 2022, and the MSR White Paper published in 2024. The MSR PR&PP White Paper represents the last output of a major multi-year (2017 – 2023) collaboration effort that saw the involvement of all the six GIF (p)SSCs, which testifies the excellent level of collaboration between the various working groups active within the Generation IV International Forum.

Crosscutting PRPP topics 

PR&PP aspects that transcend all six GIF systems have also been investigated. Crosscutting topics include common themes, such as the fuel type, or topics not dealt in the white papers such as cybersecurity. The group produced a report on Crosscutting topics for PR&PP report in 2023.

PRPP Bibliography 

The group maintains an annually updated bibliography of official publications, of publications referring to the PR&PP methodology, and of publications deemed relevant by the group to the topics it focuses on. The latest edition, revision 10, was published in November 2023. It is available on the GIF website. 

3S Case Study 

The PRPP WG, in collaboration with the RSWG and the VHTR SSC, is working on a case study to identify Safety, Security and Safeguards (3S) interfaces on a generic VHTR pebble bed reactor small modular design. The goal is to draw generalized conclusions on how these interfaces can be analyzed in a technology-neutral, bottom-up approach. The insights gained from this study will help in implementing 3S by design for reactor implementations in the near future.

PR&PP Evaluation Methodology Update

In the course of the last two years, a review of the current PR&PP Evaluation Methodology highlighted how the PP part might benefit from an update of the considered measures and metrics. The update activity was decided at the 33rd PRPPWG meeting and was followed up by a dedicated internal workshop where a new framing for the PP measures and metrics was proposed and discussed. The group will continue the revision and report to the EG/PG.

Siting Options Report

As a follow-up on the suggestions given to the PRPPWG at the conference G4SR-4 and GIF Industry Forum in 2022, the group started to work on a report examining PR&PP implications of siting options for SMRs and microreactors. The report will have a format similar to the PR&PP white papers and will cover several different siting options (i.a. remote locations, near industrial complexes and population centres, floating options) together with some relevant crosscutting considerations. 

List of GIF PRPP WG Publications

2011, Evaluation Methodology for PR&PP of Gen IV Nuclear Energy Systems (Rev 6), GIF PRPPWG, GIF/PRPPWG/2011/003

2009, PR&PP Evaluation: ESFR Full System Case Study Final Report, GIF PRPPWG, GIF/PRPPWG/2009/002

2022, PRPP Crosscutting Topics Report, GIF PRPPWG, GIF/PRPPWG/2022/004

2023, MSR PRPP White Paper, GIF PRPPWG / MSR pSSC, GIF/PRPPWG/2023/001

2022, VHTR PRPP White Paper, GIF PRPPWG / VHTR SSC, GIF/PRPPWG/2022/005

2022, GFR PRPP White Paper, GIF PRPPWG / GFR SSC, GIF/PRPPWG/2022/003

2022, SCWR PRPP White Paper, GIF PRPPWG / SCWR SSC, GIF/PRPPWG/2022/002

2021, LFR PRPP White Paper, GIF PRPPWG / LFR pSSC, GIF/PRPPWG/2021/002

2021, SFR PRPP White Paper, GIF PRPPWG / SFR SSC, GIF/PRPPWG/2021/003

2011, PR&PP of the Six Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems, GIF PRPPWG/ GIF SSCs, GIF/PRPPWG/2011/002

2023, PRPP Bibliography Rev 10, GIF PRPPWG, GIF/PRPPWG/2023/002

2022, PRPP Bibliography Rev 9, GIF PRPPWG, GIF/PRPPWG/2022/001

PRPP Partner Organisations and Related Initiatives

Within GIF:

GIF Risk and Safety Working Group (RSWG)

Collaboration with the RSWG was strengthened through exchanges at each group’s meetings. PRPPWG representatives are invited to relevant RSWG meetings, and RSWG representatives are invited, when relevant, to PRPPWG annual meetings.

GIF VHTR System Steering Committee (SSC) and Risk and Safety Working Group (RSWG) informal subgroup

The PRPPWG, the RSWG and the VHTR SSC formed a subgroup to investigate the interfaces between safety, security, and safeguards (3S Interface) in Gen IV reactors adopting a bottom-up approach. The subgroup held its kick-off meeting in September 2022 for approximately two years of activity. 

GIF Economic Modelling Working Group (EMWG)

The PRPPWG is also engaged with the EMWG in exploring areas of potential collaboration. One area of mutual interest is the addition of safeguards and security costs to economic analysis of Gen IV reactor systems. 

With external partners

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

The WG has an observer from the IAEA since its inception. The PRPPWG maintains regular exchanges with the IAEA Department of Safeguards, Department of Nuclear Energy, and Department of Nuclear Safety and Security. Several PRPPWG members support the INPRO (International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles) efforts, in particular updating the INPRO Manual on Proliferation Resistance (Scherer et al., 2023). Members of the WG also participate in various Agency activities in safeguards by design and the 3S interface for advanced reactors and small modular reactors.  An IAEA representative participates regularly in the PRPPWG activities.

2024 March GIF PRPPWG Meeting
GIF PRPPWG meeting

Key Events (Past and Upcoming)

Annual meetings

The PRPPWG has an in-person meeting of the whole group once a year. 

  • 2024 Annual Meeting, 19-21 March 2024. OECD/NEA, Paris, France
  • 2023 Annual Meeting, 25-27 January 2023, IAEA, Vienna, Austria  

Monthly teleconferences 

The PRPPWG holds monthly teleconferences to report on the progress of group and member activities and the summary records are filed in the PRPPWG archive for documentation and retrieval. 

PRPP Workshops 

The PRPP WG held several workshops around the methodology developed by the group with the goal to work on an update with a view both to incorporate new thinking when it comes to PRPP matters, and taking into account changing world conditions, as well as to help provide background for new members. 

  • 2023: PRPP Methodology workshop on 6 June 2023, Virtual, for WG members only.
  • 2017: GIF workshop on SSCs-PRPPWG Interactions, 12-13 April 2017, Paris, France
  • 2016: International Workshop on the PR&PP Evaluation Methodology for Gen IV Nuclear Energy Systems, 12 October, Jeju, Republic of Korea
  • 2015: Workshop on the PR&PP Methodology for Gen IV Nuclear Energy Systems, 4 November 2015, California, USA
  • 2014: Workshop on the PR&PP Evaluation Methodology for Gen IV Nuclear Energy Systems, 12 December 2014, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France
  • 2011: Workshop on PR&PP Evaluation Methodology for Gen IV Nuclear Energy Systems -Toward Application to System Design from Methodology Development, 22 February 2011, Tokyo, Japan 
  • 2006: Workshop on PR&PP Evaluation Methodology for Gen IV Nuclear Energy Systems (including their fuel cycles), 12 July 2006, Ispra, Italy 
  • 2004: Workshop on PR&PP Evaluation of Gen IV Nuclear Energy Systems (including their fuel cycles), 18 November 2004, Arlington, Virginia, USA

Safety, Safeguards and Security (3S) Interface meetings 

PRPPWG is also taking part in the 3S Interface for Gen IV subgroup activities following its Kick-off meeting on 14 September 2022, and have utilized regular monthly calls since 24 April 2023. Virtual, for GIF members only.


External events relevant to the work of the WG

The external events to which the PRPPWG has contributed or plans to be involved include the following:

  • IAEA International Conference on Nuclear Security 
  • INMM Annual Meeting
  • INNM/ESARDA Joint Annual Meeting
  • GLOBAL (International Conference on Nuclear Fuel Cycle)
  • IAEA International Conference on Small Modular Reactors and their Applications 
  • IAEA Interregional Workshop on Safety, Security and Safeguards by Design in Small Modular Reactors

The above list is not exhaustive and subject to change depending on availability.

Relevant PRPP reference materials

  • Scherer, C., Ardhammar, M., Boyer, B., Lee, J.-S., Poirier, S., Adams, S., Bathke, C., Chirayath, S., Cojazzi, G.G.M., Renda, G., Reyes, G., van der Ende, B., Updating and Enhancing the INPRO Proliferation Resistance Methodology for Better Sustainability, INMM & ESARDA Joint Annual Meeting, 22-25 May 2023 - Vienna, Austria.

  • Cipiti, B., Cheng, L., Boyer, B,, van der Ende, B., Generation IV Proliferation Resistance and Physical Protection Transitioning From R&D to Deployment, Panel at INMM & ESARDA Joint Annual Meeting, 22-25 May 2023 – Vienna.

  • van der Ende, B., Joint RSWG/PRPPWG/VHTR-SSC effort for establishing safeguards, safety, and security interfaces for VHTR system, Contribution to the Joint IAEA-GIF Workshop on the Safety of Non-Water-Cooled Reactors, May 30 to 2 June + IAEA Interregional Workshop on Safety, Security and Safeguards by Design in Small Modular Reactors (SMRs), Idaho Falls, Idaho, 11-15 September 2023.

  • GIF PRPPWG, Bibliography, Compiled by the Proliferation Resistance and Physical Protection Working Group (PRPPWG) Revision 10, September 2023. Generation-IV International Forum. available at:….

  • GIF PRPPWG and MSR pSSC, “Molten Salt Reactor, Proliferation Resistance and Physical Protection White Paper”, GIF/PRPPWG/2023/001, Generation-IV International Forum. available at:

  • Cipiti, B., Cheng, L.Y., Renda, G., Cojazzi, G.G.M., Boyer, B., Van Der Ende, B., Edwards, G., Hesketh, K., Nguyen, F., Hervieu, E., Hori, K., and Shiba, T., “Proliferation Resistance and Physical Protection White Papers of the Six GIF Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems and Crosscutting Topics: 2021-2022 Update”, In: IAEA Symposium on International Safeguards: Reflecting on the Past and Anticipating the Future, 31 October – 4 November 2022, IAEA, Vienna.

  • Cheng, L.-Y., Cojazzi, G., Renda, G., Cipiti, B., Boyer, B., Edwards, G., Hervieu, E., Hori, K., Kim, H., Tomooki, S. and Van Der Ende, B. (2021) “White Papers on Proliferation Resistance and Physical Protection Characteristics of the Six Gen-IV Nuclear Energy Systems”, Online, In: INMM and ESARDA 2021 Joint Annual Meeting, 21-26 August 2021, available at:

  • Cheng, L., Cojazzi, G., Renda, G., Cipiti, B, Boyer, B., Edwards, G., Hervieu, E., Hori, K.., Peterson, P. and Kim, H, “The GIF Proliferation Resistance and Physical Protection methodology applied to GEN IV system designs: an update,” In: ESARDA`19: ESARDA Symposium 2019 - 41st Annual Meeting, 14-16 May 2019, Regina Palace Hotel, Corso Umberto I, 29, Stresa (VB), Italy.

To complement the list above the GIF PRPP WG updates every year a PRPP Bibliography that gathers a list of relevant references to PRPP for Generation IV systems. This list is currated and reviewed by the PRPPWG. 

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