Education and Training Series #6: Gas Cooled Fast Reactor (GFR)

Date/Hours: 22 February 2017
Location: Online - Free webcast

Part of a webinar series hosted by the GIF Education and Training Working Group since 2016.

Who should attend?
Policymakers, industry professionals, regulators, researchers, students, the general public. 

Education & Training
Updated on 11/10/2024

About the "GIF Education and Training" Webinars

These webinars, organised by the GIF Education and Training Working Group are streamed live monthly. The recordings and slide decks are accessible after the webinar on this website. These webinars cover a very broad range of technical and policy related topics. At the end of 2023 they have been viewed by more than 15000 people (approximately half of the views during the live streams and the other half views being of the archives on the public GIF website). In total, the GIF webinars have reached Generation IV enthusiasts, scientists, and engineers in more than 80 countries.

These webinars are organised and hosted by the GIF Education and Training Working Group (ETWG). 

About this Webinar

The Gas Cooled Fast Reactor (GFR) is one of the six promising technologies selected by the Generation IV International Forum (GIF). The presentation summarizes the main advantages and drawbacks of GFRs and the key design and safety issues as well as the related research and development programs.

Recording of the Webinar

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Presentation made during the webinar

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Meet the presenter

Alfredo Vasile earned a Master of Physics Degree at the Balseiro Institut (CNEA, Argentine) and his Doctorate in Nuclear Engineering at the Grenoble University (France) in 1977. He joined CEA in 1981 working at the RAPSODIE sodium cooled experimental fast reactor at Cadarache. He has held laboratory head positions on core physics and safety studies both for light water reactors and fast reactors. Dr. Vasile participated at the Gen IV Roadmap definition process as a member of the Light Water Reactors Technical Group and was the French representative of the INPRO Steering Technical Committee for the Joint Study on Closed Nuclear Fuel Cycle with Fast Reactors. He is presently project manager of the ESNII Plus European Project on fast reactors, the French representative at the IAEA Technical Working Group on Fast Reactors, GIF GFR Steering Committee, GIF GFR Conceptual Design and Safety and GIF SFR Safety and Operation Project Management Boards. Dr. Vasile also serves as the CEA representative for the ALLEGRO GFR experimental reactor project.